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Learn how we Automate BI Platform Migration to maximize your ROI!


Human Error or Automated Precision?
A "no-brainer" for your BI migration.

See Vortex in action >>


Transform your organization with analytics at scale

For nearly 30 years, Axis Group has helped the world’s most innovative companies create scalable data and analytics programs that enable everyone to make better decisions using data.

Springboard Collaborative

See how HELIX Analytics-as-a-Service revolutionizes data integration and analytics, empowering organizations like Springboard Collaborative to seamlessly merge key data sources and focus on their mission without being overwhelmed by technology.

HELIX® Analytics-as-a-Service

Integrated Enterprise Analytics—in Weeks, not Years

HELIX® is an end-to-end SaaS analytics ecosystem, purpose-built to enable every user to access the data, content, education, knowledge, expertise, and support they need to make data-inspired decisions.

In a few short weeks, we seed a data lake with your most valuable sources, build an enterprise data warehouse tailored to your most meaningful use cases, and enable your team with onboarding and smarter, faster insights.

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Enable your organization with analytics

Let Axis help you develop a data & analytics strategy, modernize your platforms and processes, and build impactful D&A solutions—to improve how your organization works.

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BI Platform Migration


Migrate BI and cloud platforms—the right way.


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Data Platform Modernization


Deliver decision-quality data to the right people at the right time.


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AnalyticsOps Teams


Extend your capabilities with a Global AnalyticsOps Team.


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Axis's own Ecosystem-as-a-Service™ technology platform helps everyone make data-inspired decisions.

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D&A Strategy & Operating Model

Create an effective enterprise Data & Analytics Strategy and Operating Initiative Roadmap.

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Flagship Data & Analytics Solutions

Build high-impact D&A solutions that generate excitement and adoption in analytics.

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Analytics Alignment Workshop

Align your analytics initiatives to your organization's strategy to maximize business impact.

Our Customers


Discover how Axis Group revolutionized Cinemark's security with Patrick Burns. A unique, tailor-made approach to fraud prevention that truly delivers results.

Electrical Components International

Learn how Axis Group helped ECI, one of the world's leading electrical component suppliers, implement a modern data platform in record time.

Case Studies

605 TV: Developing Consumer Data Products at Petabyte Scale


D&A Strategy

Modern Data Platform

Developing Consumer Data Products at Petabyte Scale

Building a Secure, Robust Cloud Architecture for Healthcare


Modern Data Platform

Building a Secure, Robust Cloud Architecture for Healthcare

Supplier Scorecard Puts Procurement Firmly in the Driver’s Seat


D&A Solutions

Supplier Scorecard Puts Procurement Firmly in the Driver’s Seat

Are you ready to take the next step
on your Data & Analytics journey?